
我们提供各种各样的标准叉子, 加上定制的设计规格, 不锈钢叉子, 包餐叉, 叉的扩展, 更重要的是,每个应用程序和操作的解决方案.

  • 标准叉| ITA叉|beta365附件


    钩接式ITA/FEM是最流行的叉型, and are attached to the carriage (fork carrier) with hooks and positioning locks—used in a wide cross section of industrial and commercial applications.

  • 螺栓式叉|beta365附件|beta365配件


    Bolt-On 叉 are attached to the carriage (fork carrier) with bolts instead of hooks or a tube. This design greatly diminishes any movement of the forks when loaded or when the lift truck is in motion.

  • 轴叉|beta365附件|beta365配件


    We carry 轴叉 to suit all pin-type carriages on nearly all makes and models of lift trucks. 这些高档叉子是经过全面热处理的, 淬火, 回火,也有不锈钢材质.

  • 折叠叉|beta365附件|物料搬运


    折叠叉 are a great benefit when certain space limitations exist. These forks fold up to enable lift trucks to maneuver in areas where movement is restricted, 比如在电梯里, 当储存在狭小的空间时.

  • 防火花叉|beta365附件|beta365配件


    Spark Retardant 叉 are perfect for hazardous locations and atmospheres. The most popular Spark Retardant Fork is covered in ASTM B36 alloy 6 brass that is 0.125"厚,沿所有接缝100%钎焊.

  • beta365加长件|beta365附件|beta365配件


    叉的扩展 are used to extend the length of the fork blade when handling longer loads. Standard extensions are readily available to fit 4 to 7 inch wide forks, 最长可达96英寸.

  • 地毯闸板|beta365叉|beta365附件


    地毯槌是设计用来处理地毯卷和地毯的长杆. These poles have a smooth surface and profiled bar end to prevent damage to the load, 并且是快速释放,易于连接.


设计为实用和多功能性, 特色餐叉 function like standard lift truck forks and offer the benefits of specialized attachments like hydraulic extensions, 内部的滚筒, 蓝牙称重技术.

  • 称重叉|beta365附件|beta365部件


    重叉 allow you to view and track the weight of individual or multiple loads using integrated Bluetooth technology. Being wireless, the system can be installed onto any lift truck in a matter of minutes.

  • 伸缩叉|beta365附件|beta365配件


    带伸缩叉, trailers can be loaded and unloaded from one side without moving to and from either side of the vehicle, 仓库可以利用双层深beta365官网.

  • 压板|beta365附件|beta365配件


    Increase the versatility and efficiency of your lift truck with 辊压板. These specialty forks use a retractable internal rolling mechanism to quickly load and unload pallets, 衬垫和更多.


不管你是在处理案件, 鼓, 砍了纸, 纺织, 棉花, 轮胎, 或者介于两者之间, 我们为该特定应用提供夹具. 有这么多的选择, 结果是更快, 更安全,更有效的处理, 提高生产力, 减少你工厂的产品损坏.

  • 旋转叉夹|beta365夹|beta365附件


    叉钳既可以作为钳,也可以作为叉定位器. 笨重的货物,如板条箱、包 & 轮胎可以夹在叉之间. The ability to position the forks speeds pallet handling and reduces wear and tear on the pallets. 定制的叉子类型和大小是可用的.

  • 叉钳|叉钳|beta365附件


    Cascade的Turnafork用于各种制造, 接收, warehousing and shipping environments that require both clamp handling and pallet handling. 旋转臂至垂直位置以便夹紧, 或以水平位置处理大多数类型的托盘.

  • beta365钳|旋转加载器|叉附件


    The Turnaload from Cascade is a dual purpose attachment with a heavy duty rotator for both clamp and pallet handling. 在航运方面很有用, 接收 and order picking operations requiring both palletless handling of boxes, 板条箱和纸箱, 以及托盘装载和废包.

  • 纸箱钳|叉钳|beta365附件


    不管你是在处理纸制品, 电器, 消费电子产品, 饮料, 包装食品(罐装或盒装), 化学品或塑料, 我们提供一个纸箱夹,可以做这项工作. These 夹 are durable enough for the toughest conditions, versatile and easy to service.

  • beta365钳|散装箱处理机|叉附件


    散装箱处理机用于处理农产品, 零件及更多, where a box attached to a pallet requires support of multi-purpose arms for rotating and dumping. 定制臂长, 宽度, 配置, 开放范围, 各种安装选项可供选择.

  • 多用途夹具|beta365夹具|叉附件


    多功能夹 efficiently and economically handle many types of corrugated, 金属和木制容器以及打包产品. Substantially reduce or eliminate the need for pallets and the associated cost of pallet purchase or rental, 维护, 处置和储存.

  • 鼓夹|叉夹|beta365附件


    Drum 夹 are widely used in the petroleum and chemical industries and in other applications that require the handling of standard 55-gallon 鼓. Drum 夹 can also help improve productivity by handling up to four 鼓 per load. 定制臂半径和长度是可用的.

  • 无臂夹|叉夹|beta365附件


    Clamps with no arms are designed for unique applications that require custom fabricated arms. Each clamp includes two bolt-on arm pads used as a base for the specialized arms provided by the customer. Existing arms, forks or bars may also be welded to the pads if required.

  • 杆臂夹具|叉钳|beta365附件


    主要为纺织工业设计, 杆臂附件 are used for handling rolls of cloth material such as towels, 亚麻布和牛仔布. 自定义杆臂长度, 直径, 建议配置, 帧的宽度, 开放范围, 安装选项是可用的.


We offer a number of specialty forklift attachments to meet a variety of specific applications. 从叉式散布器和侧移器到旋转器和推/拉, we've got the attachments you need to keep your operation running efficiently and affordably. 下面只是我们提供的样品,请 请填写下面的表格 to get in touch with a Carolina Handling representative about all the specialty attachments we offer.

  • beta365吊具|beta365附件|仓库产品


    固定叉式吊具框架的设计是为了稳定额外的宽负载, 比如屋架和长梁, 当用beta365运输时. 机组可以设计负载稳定器, sideshifting, 额外的叉子, adjustable forks and other special features to suit a variety of applications.

  • beta365旋转器|beta365附件|仓库产品


    旋转器让你的司机能够快速倾倒或倒转负载, and then immediately return the forks to the pick-up position in one continuous motion. 旋转器广泛应用于食品加工, 制造业, 化学处理, 汽车, 循环操作, 和更多的.

  • 双侧移位器|beta365附件|beta365叉


    With a Double Sideshifter you can use your lift truck to move two pallets of product side-by-side instead of one pallet. The Double Sideshifter gives a forklift operator the ability to pick loads that are separated, 把这些负载放在一起, 侧移和分散他们很容易.

  • beta365推拉器|beta365附件|仓库产品


    推/拉允许你发行, receive and warehouse unit loads on inexpensive slip sheets rather than pallets. Products typically handled with a push/pull include bagged products such as seed, agricultural products and cement; cased food, 电子产品, 化妆品及瓶装饮料.

  • beta365负载稳定器|beta365附件|仓库产品


    专为运输不稳定的负载,如软饮料, 麦芽饮料, 瓶装水和空容器. 负载稳定剂 allow faster operating speeds 和更多的 efficient handling procedures by securing the palletized load, 尤指在地板粗糙或倾斜的设施中.

  • 拣层叉架|beta365附件|仓库产品


    Replace costly manual labor with fork or carriage mounted 层拾荒者. One forklift operator can fill orders at an average speed of 1250 cases an hour compared to 250 cases an hour manually. 层拾荒者 are a cost-effective way to handle single or multiple layers of a variety of products.


有关我们提供的beta365附件的更多beta365官网和价格, 请填写下面的表格.
